Weight loss: Weight loss is an absolute reduction in total body weight, usually resulting from forced (diet, workout) or voluntary (illness) weight loss. Most cases of quick weight loss mainly arise because of the reduction of body mass, but in more severe cases of fast weight loss, other materials in the human body can also be depleted, like protein. Excess protein in the blood stream results in the accumulation of fluids in the tissues, resulting in weight gain.
Losing weight: The most common type of weight loss treatment is through diet and exercise. This method is usually used to treat mild obesity and to control other health risks like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases and certain cancers. A proper diet should comprise adequate amounts of calories and proteins while avoiding bad carbohydrates and sugar. A good exercise program should be combined with a healthy lifestyle such as proper sleep habits, alcohol consumption, smoking cessation, regular exercises and weight loss supplements if prescribed by your doctor. The combination of these two treatments can achieve your weight loss goals faster.
Diet: Doctors recommend that overweight people begin a weight loss plan by lowering their intake of sodium and potassium, and increasing the intake of fiber. They advise their patients to eat several small meals throughout the day rather than the traditional three large meals we usually do. They also advise their patients to eat more frequently but in smaller portions to help them feel fuller between meals. Regular exercise is also recommended to help overweight individuals lose weight.
Body Composition Test: Before starting any fat burning program, it is important that you have a body composition analysis done. This will determine your ideal body composition for your height, gender, age, activity level and health risk factors. Your doctor can recommend an online Body Composition Test or you can purchase a Body Composition Analysis test from many drugstores or online health retailers. Most of these tests provide results in just a few minutes.
Exercise program: When combined with a sensible eating plan, weight loss will be more effective. To effectively lose weight and lower your body fat percentage, you need to eat fewer calories and increase your physical activity. Some people refer to low calorie diets as” starvation diets” or “weight loss camps”. If you are serious about losing weight and reducing body fat, then you should incorporate exercise into your weight loss plan.
Exercise programs are designed specifically to make it easier to lose weight and get rid of unwanted fats. You can choose from low impact exercise routines, speed walking, swimming, jogging, bicycling, tennis, dance, aerobics, yoga and resistance training. Low impact routines are great for those who are either just getting started with a fitness routine or who have trouble with joint pain or muscle loss. Resistance exercises, on the other hand, are ideal for those who are looking to increase muscle mass and burn more calories than with other cardio methods. Speed walking and bicycling are considering to be aerobic exercises.
Daily Exercise Program: Ideally, you should choose a daily physical activity that you enjoy. If possible, choose a fun activity that requires a minimal amount of thinking. Examples of fun activities include running, playing basketball, or participating in a musical group. The minimum amount of physical activity you should be engaging in each day is one to two hours of cardiovascular activity and at least 20 grams per pound of muscle mass. Be sure to keep records of your progress so that you can track your success rate and compare your previous results with your new fitness levels.
Behavioral Triggers: If you are an obese person, environmental factors may be more important than dietary choices in causing you to be overweight. It is more likely that a person will become overweight if they exhibit a combination of dysfunctional characteristics. These include poor impulse control, inability to make change, high stress levels, depression, and inadequate physical activity.