Everyone s to weight loss experience is different. Results will vary based on age, starting body fat levels, physical fitness level, and other personal factors. This is also the case when using a keto diet for weight loss. Fortunately, today there is now an abundance of peer reviewed scientific data that sheds light on exactly what to expect when you decide to go to for weight loss.
The first thing you need to keep in mind when considering this type of weight loss plan is that eating high-fat, low-carb meals three or more times a day is not a good idea. Doing so will force your body into starvation mode, which means your body will begin searching for other sources of energy. This is why your metabolism will slow down and you’ll feel tired all the time. In fact, you’ll be extremely susceptible to cravings for high-fat, high-calorie foods, which only serve to make you crave more.
Instead, the best way to experience long-term weight loss and to maintain it is to eat moderate amounts of healthy carbs (such as rice, bread, pasta, etc.) along with healthy fats. Eating fruits (when hungry) and vegetables are also important, as long as you make sure you’re consuming at least eight servings a day. You can further increase the amount of healthy carbs and fat in your diet by adding fish, chicken, yogurt, and nuts to your plate. You can even eat brown rice and whole-grain pasta instead of your typical white rice.
When starting your ketosis protocol, it is vitally important that you maintain a consistent calorie deficit. A lot of people get confused when first starting a ketosis diet because they’re told that they need to eat more calories than they burn in order to experience fast weight loss. This is not the case at all – as long as you continue to maintain an adequate calorie deficit, you will have successful fat-loss and weight-loss efforts!
The second most important thing you need to know about maintaining your optimal body composition during your diet is to recognize when to begin increasing your caloric intake. Most diets tell you to increase your calories by 200 calories per meal. However, when starting a Ketostix diet, you must decrease your calories by the same amount for the first week and then increase them steadily over the next few weeks. You must keep in mind that any drastic changes to your calorie intake can have very dramatic results on your body composition. So, if you want to experience the kind of results other dieters are achieving, stick to your plan and maintain your ideal body composition.
One thing you should also remember is that Keto diets aren’t right for everyone. If you’re obese, are suffering from high blood pressure, or are taking medications that are affecting your cholesterol levels, you should consult with a doctor before starting any dieting program. Also, if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, you should avoid any ketogenic diet plan as these diets can be harmful to your baby. Finally, if you’re a diabetic, osteoporosis, or hypertension, you should avoid ketogenic dieting altogether. Consult with a nutritionist to learn more about what to do and what not to eat when engaging in a keto diet for the treatment of obesity.